What's It all About ???

This page is all about the building and flying of radio controlled model aircraft. It's a highly diversified hobby that takes in as many skills as you like to use. Everything from electronics to carpentry, to painting, to drawing and designing with a little bit of metal work thrown in. Some builders even go into doing their own machining, pattern designing, fibre glassing, moulding and engine design. You can use electric motors, 2 stroke or 4 stroke internal combustion engines or even minature turbine (jet) engines for power. My own models use 2 and 4 stroke internal combustion engines and range in size from about a metre in wingspan to well over 3 metres from tip to tip!

Friday, June 15, 2012

Winter is here!

Well - winter has well and truly settled in down here. The flying field is starting to resemble a lake and only the really crazy and the desperate venture outside. So now there are no more excuses and the building board has been dusted off and checked for square and warps. That means three projects are now spread across it's length and breadth - well yeah -  it is a fair size board. I've finally got the ribs finished for the Senior Telemaster, The Lancaster mainplane will shortly start coming together and the Lanzo Bomber plan has been pinned down. I've even started to look suspiciously at a few of my repair and restore projects and I've started to work on rebuilding the Harvard cockpit area.
I'll try to get the occasional days flying in but that is a "dodge the weather" operation. Tasmania is  famous(?) for it's 4 seasons in an hour weather changes!
Now that the building fog has descended on me I will update this blog on a weekly basis, so if you are interested check back every Saturday to see what else I've screwed up!
